
A 2.5D physics platformer with interesting challenges. I aimed to capture the designs of old arcade games. The project was part of an online course and was my introduction to Unity.

Project Details



Engine & Tools:


Team Composition:

PC & Android

Physics Platformer

Unity, C#, Blender

Two months

Solo Project

Design Pillars

There were three main design pillars. Each pillar corresponded to a certain value that I strived to achieve:

  • Tactile Controls
  • Progressive Level Design
  • Challenging Worlds

The player would be motivated in accordance to these pillars, with the motivations being:

  • Challenge
  • Fun
  • Satisfaction

Each mechanic would them feed these motivations and pillars.

Solo Project

This was my first solo project, which was later used as my admission project for the FutureGames game designer program. The game's scope was small from the start, but I wanted to make it extravagant and pretty.

Level Design

Originally, I made 5 levels. After making most of the core mechanics, five unique worlds were made with three stages each, of which the player could pick from in the 'Overworld' level. Each stage utilized landmarks in the background leading the player to the next stage.

Onboarding & Tutorial Level

As I originally made the game for people already adept at computer controls, I had to make a tutorial for players that were not as adept. The tutorial was fully voiced and had text to guide the player through Rocket Mate's mechanics.

What I learned

As my first major step into the world of Unity, I learned so much about game development. Sorting them into categories, I'd say I learned:

  • Game development with C# and Unity.
  • Game design, structure, philosophy.
  • How to make a compelling design document.

This was the last project before I began my education at FutureGames.